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Pharma Photo

Pharma Photo – a module, the infrastructure of which combines the client application of the Proxima CRM system and a web service for viewing footage made by a commercial service. The functionality of this module facilitates the task of monitoring the execution of tasks, in which it is important for employees to provide a photo fact confirming the occurrence of a certain event or action.

The intuitive interface of the module provides the ability to attach an unlimited number of photos to the activity of a medical representative, created in a CRM system, followed by tagging that explains the context of the photo. Special algorithms optimize the photo size to save space on the user’s device, after which the photo is transferred to the manager for control.

Web-service control allows the manager to select the photos of interest using a convenient, customizable filtering system. After that, for each photo, you can set the content validation status, or write a comment to the author of the picture directly from the service interface. If necessary, this service will allow you to upload all the images both as a list of photos and as a report with links to each photo.