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RxTest Prescription Audit Ukraine


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RxTest Ukraine is a module of the market research analytical system “PharmXplorer”, a comprehensive tool for calculating various indicators of prescription data and their convenient presentation to users. The audit is carried out across clinical diagnoses, treatment schemes, and other characteristics of the treatment process among doctors in clinics and hospitals of 16 specialties on a regular basis in 28 cities of Ukraine. The calculation is based on the extrapolation of sample data using cluster analysis and hierarchical models. In addition to Ukraine, the RxTest module is also available in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.



The subject of the RxTest study is the quantitative and qualitative analyses of the structure of prescriptions among doctors of various specialties in clinics and hospitals.


Data Collection Methodology


The foundation of the data collection process is the surveying of medical professionals across Ukraine, which ensures the continuous updating of the database through the completion of online forms by doctors on the website medlink.com.ua. The surveys collect information about patients, including demographic data, type of visit, prescriptions, diagnosis, and recommended treatment methods. Approximately 1,300 medical specialists participate in this survey monthly. To expand and deepen the collected information, data obtained from Medical Information Systems (MIS) are also used, contributing to a better reflection of the project’s needs. The acquired data is systematized and standardized by experts in information processing, after which it is integrated into a unified database, where it is unified according to standard directories.


Key Advantages of RxTest Include:

  • Data Reliability: Thanks to the regular monthly collection of information, which accounts for seasonal disease fluctuations, it ensures high-quality analytics. High reliability is achieved through carefully selected samples, multiple information checks, and the use of unique analysis methods, with continuous data updates.
  • In-depth Prescription Analysis: Users can perform a detailed analysis of prescriptions, identifying leading therapeutic practices, the most common medications, important aspects of treatment schemes, and their duration.
  • Competitive Landscape Assessment: Helps users delve deeper into the analysis of the competitive environment, allowing the identification of key niches for development and impact within specific diseases.
  • Target Audience Identification: Allows for accurate identification of potential target clients, focusing on demographics, disease characteristics, and other critical parameters.
  • Monitoring Dynamics and Consumption: Enables tracking of current trends in doctor prescriptions and medication consumption, allowing for prompt response to changes in the industry.
  • Easy Access to Information: Unhindered access to an extensive database with the possibility of customizing access for multiple users, facilitating team collaboration.
  • Flexibility in Analysis: With support for the analysis of competitive groups, users can compare several competitors simultaneously, optimizing their market strategy.
  • Decision-Making Support: Provides users with important analytical data at all stages of activity, from strategic planning to market analysis, facilitating informed decision-making.

Purposes of the RxTest Module:

  • During strategic planning: Utilize RxTest for deep analysis and planning of your company’s product portfolio.
  • For market competition research: The module will help you understand the dynamics of the competitive environment.
  • When launching new products to the market: Using RxTest will facilitate determining optimal strategies for successful product introductions.
  • In the development and promotion of your brands: The module contributes to identifying key factors that drive growth.
  • For monitoring changes in doctor prescriptions: RxTest allows tracking current trends in prescription writing.
  • When analyzing market demand: The module is effectively used for observing changes in demand and consumer interests.
  • For identifying new customer needs: Use RxTest to adapt to changing market demands and stay ahead of competitors.
  • In the search for new business development opportunities: The module helps identify untapped or promising market niches.
  • For analyzing the behavior of competitors and doctors: RxTest provides valuable insights into competitor strategies and physician preferences.
  • During market segmentation: The module facilitates breaking down the market into clearly defined segments for more targeted marketing efforts.
  • For assessing market opportunities and risks: Using RxTest enables comprehensive analysis of the market environment, identifying potential opportunities and threats.
  • In creating competitive advantages: The module assists in developing strategies that ensure market stability and higher competitiveness.