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Pharma eDucation

Pharma eDucation – a service for distance learning for employees looking for a high-quality and continuous process of acquiring new knowledge. Another target audience for training organizations can be doctors, employees of your partners, clients.

A reliable and user-friendly training platform increases employee loyalty and reduces student resistance. Allows you to focus on learning materials rather than organizational weaknesses.

This is not just a software product it is a turnkey service that includes:

  • Branding
  • System setup
  • Filling with training materials and tests
  • Deployment of the platform on our servers
  • Management of user access and their technical support
  • Setting up reports and regulations for the passage of training

And in a highly competitive market, the distance learning system allows:

  • improve the quality of service
  • significantly reduce the cost of onboarding new employees and informing about products
  • become the key to the company’s achievement of strategic goals, its competitiveness, as well as readiness to carry out organizational changes


  • doctors
  • pharmacists
  • company employees

Basic tasks solved with Pharma eDucation:

  • Prompt training of new employees
  • Access to a unified, structured knowledge base
  • Reducing the cost of organizing the training process
  • Raising the level of knowledge of company employees
  • Possibility of training at a convenient time (on the job)
  • Regular monitoring of the level of knowledge of all employees (KPI level of knowledge)

Variety of teaching materials:

  • web pages
  • video and audio materials
  • copies of printed publications
  • presentations: Power Point, Flash

Motivation and control of assimilation of information:

  • estimates
  • tests for self-control
  • thematic assignments
  • control tests, with a time limit


  • Supports loading training materials in video, audio, image, or text format
  • Video: MP4, AVi, FLV
  • Audio: MP3, WAV
  • Access for users is provided through a personal account with the ability to track activity and statistics of visits
  • Opportunity to limit the availability of tests in time and fix the number of attempts
  • Analytics based on test results is integrated into the BI dashboard based on Qlik
  • Technical support specialists download testing and training materials