The Ukrainian pharmaceutical market is one of the most dynamic in Europe. Every year, dozens of new medicines are registered in the country, and pharmaceutical companies are actively competing for the attention of doctors and pharmacists.
In such an environment, it is important for pharmaceutical companies to understand who the key players in the Ukrainian healthcare industry are. These individuals, known as KOLs/DOLs (Key Opinion Leaders/Digital Opinion Leaders), have a significant impact on the formation of medical recommendations and patient behavior.
KOLs/DOLs Rating
In order to help pharmaceutical companies better understand the key persons in the Ukrainian healthcare industry, Proxima Research has developed the KOLs/DOLs Rating. This rating is based on the regular PromoTest survey of promotional activity.
The study is conducted among doctors and pharmacists in 28 cities of Ukraine. Respondents are asked an open-ended question in which they are invited to indicate the leading healthcare professionals whose opinion is important to them.
The results of the study are presented in the form of a rating, which includes the top opinion leaders in each specialty.
Benefits of the rating for pharmaceutical companies
The KOLs/DOLs Rating offers pharmaceutical companies a number of advantages:
The KOLs/DOLs Rating is a valuable tool for pharmaceutical companies to better understand the key individuals in the Ukrainian healthcare industry. This rating helps companies to establish effective interaction with opinion leaders and increase the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns.
The project operates in three countries: Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Data by region is available for Ukraine (28 cities) and Kazakhstan (15 cities), which makes it possible to evaluate regional opinion leaders.
Pharmaceutical companies that want to use the KOLs/DOLs Rating to improve the efficiency of their marketing activities are recommended to:
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