Retail Sell-Out consumption

Constantly operating research of pharmaceutical products consumption volumes in the retail market.

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Retail sales

volumes of all pharmaceutical products in money and packaging



  • Data extrapolation from the representative sample to the general population
  • Cluster analysis
  • Hierarchical models


Research categories

  • Drugs
  • Medical commodities
  • Cosmetics
  • Children Nutrition
  • Dietary supplements
  • Disinfectants


Research geography – Ukraine

  • National level
  • Regions
  • Cities
  • City areas
  • Dynamic territories in Geomarketing system, corresponding to medical representatives responsibility areas


Test indicators

consumption volumes in money and natural terms, sell-out and sell-in prices, DDD, numeric and factored penetration and Share of retail selling outlets


Test integral indicators

  • Grouped by brands, corporations, manufacturers, АТС classification, NFC, EphMRA, INN, OTC/Rx.Category classification – Dietary supplements, Cosmetics, Medical commodities, Children Nutrition
  • Cumulative – MAT, YTD, MQT
  • Comparative – previous period growth, same period of last year
  • Share – market share, share in competitive groups, etc

Data reporting form

  • Internet-access for an unlimited number of users in the QlikView dashboard interface
  • Ability to split access level
  • Comparative groups supporting

Features and benefits

Regular monitoring of retail consumption dynamics in the context of competitive markets of the company

Providing dynamics analysis of retail consumption due to support of structural and regional division of the company

Data integration with researches of promotion and advertising activities. Promotional activities sales impact assessment

Each medical representative contribution calculation to the overall company sales result. Sales and market share assessment onsite of each medical representative

Sales analysis in various categories of pharmacies and segmentation (A/B/C, large/medium/small)

Market analysis according to price niches. Segmentation for high-, medium-, low-cost drugs

Market and divisions development forecasting, calculation the demand of elasticity, drug launches effectiveness, etc

Data depth since 2003