Proxima Research — Europe

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Proxima Research — Europe



Pharma CLM

Closed Loop Marketing – marketing with closed-loop feedback – the system of bilateral marketing communication, specifying the communication cycle with Clients (performed at the interaction of sales force with target audience).

The main advantage is data integration between CRM system (Proxima CRM) and the system of electronic detalization (e-Detailing). This mechanism is realized via two-way communication. It obviates the need of data re-entering.

There are advantages for sales force:

  • Simplicity and visualization of material handling in the course of the visits
  • Absence of paper media
  • Independent (automatic) collection of additional information

Pharma CLM allows tracking the following information:

  • Place for presentation
  • Number of conducted presentations
  • Target audience
  • Duration of presentation or separate slides during the visit
  • Interest and practical usefulness of the information provided for HQ
  • Duration of the visit (time for each promotion by brands and visits in general)

The objective for using Pharma CLM is:

  • increase of sales
  • obtaining of expanded knowledge on the client, his/her preferences with subsequent orientation on his/her needs
  • planning of personalized messages
  • enhancement of subsequent interaction efficiency