Proxima Research — Europe

Local settings


Proxima Research — Europe




GeoForce – modular ETMS system for working with data on the map, which ensures the optimal distribution of territory between medical representatives, depending on the potential of the polygons.

GeoForce provides:

  • Evaluation of the Field Force effectiveness
  • Management, control and analysis of territories
  • Analysis of the existing structure of the Field Force
  • Visualization of different data sources in one system
  • Determination of the optimal number of FTE in the territory
  • Creation of territories / polygons regardless of the administrative division of the city
  • Equipotential distribution / change of the Field Force areas of responsibility according to the specified criteria
  • Correct formulation of personal plans for key KPIs: Plan / Actual Sales (Sell In), Plan / Actual for Market Share (MS), Plan / Actual for Call Activity