Business Intelligence for pharmaceutical industry

Proxima Research Company offers Business Intelligence (BI) solution of any complexity for the pharmaceutical industry, based on QlikView technologies. We have over 600 different projects for more than 200 pharmaceutical market participants.


Possibility to get accurate and up-to-date information quickly (key information at the right time) is an additional competitive advantage of the company.

All BI solutions are provided in QlikView dashboard interface, any data from which can be integrated in existing reporting systems, monitoring and other tools of the client’s daily business activity. Business Intelligence systems allows to perform calculations of big data amounts and provides information in maximally convenient clear way for perception and intuitively, focuses users attention only on key factors of efficiency and allows to trace results of the managerial decision

Each developed BI solution is used both for simple data storage (history and its dynamics), and consolidation and analysis of information to work on everyday business tasks that lead to decision making.

Systems of the Business Intelligence class allow developing and implementing various methods and models, including individually, for more optimal management of the client’s pharmaceutical business. At the same time, there is a regular updating and improvement of existing methods for collected data calculating, formats of gathering extend, processing and display are expanding, taking into account technological realities and market trends. The constant use of BI solutions also allows to get constant data relevance and to save (but not replace) human resources and time.

Graphical representation

Any quantity of summary tables, charts, indicators, speedometers, graphs and other information displays can be used in the QlikView document.

QlikView provides free hand from desktop and wired systems, allows to create dynamic, interactive data analysis, whenever it is necessary, regardless of time and location by using the world’s most popular mobile devices (iPad, iPhone, Android OS, mobile Java client).

QlikView is an easy-to-use solution that provides quick access to interactive dashboards and diagrams. Using BI-solutions enables different groups of business users to exchange information and analyze a complex of data.

QlikView enables the creation of interfaces for presenting integrated data to various studies, projects and ideas, with system updates, technical and managerial support.

BI for company executives

The BI system collects data from all available sources in the organization and presents to the head of the company data retrieved from them, correlated to the targets. At the same time, it allows to return from an unsatisfactory indicator through its components to the data of a lower level down to the primary documents.

As a result, the head in the most visible form, on one pc display, sees the present state of affairs and, in case of deviation, can immediately understand the reason for the deviation or the rejection perpetrator and order to eliminate the cause of it.

BI in the company’s infrastructure

BI system is not a part and does not replace any other systems, CRM, ERP, time control systems, accounting systems, managerial accounting systems, for example, in the form of spreadsheets can already be installed in the company. These could be systems of different manufacturers and often are not or weakly connected . BI system connects with each of them and loads inside itself all the necessary information. Full load is only once, and after only updates changes. The implementation of the BI system does not imply any changes in the work processes or in the IT infrastructure.

The most popular examples of implemented bi solutions for pharmaceutical industry entities:

Integration of data from external and internal sources

Analysis and control of the work of network of pharmacies

Control for the work of Sales Force

Optimization of medical representative

Processing of distributors report and networks from the networks of pharmacies


1) BI solutions for pharmacy retailers

Comparison of pharmacy chain activities with the market

Pharmacy pricing in a competitive environment

Assortment matrix (for the pharmacy network)

Internal analysts of the pharmacy chain

Plan-Factual analysis of sales

2) Establishing the interaction of manufacturers and pharmacy retailers

Primary raw pharmacy chain data (“Attribution”, “Chains FS”)

Assortment matrix (for manufacturers)

Planning of pharmacy sales (PPS)

PharMaT (PHARmacy Manufacturing And Turnover, including marketing services execution monitoring

Expert predictive models based on econometric and macroeconomic methods