Proxima Research — Kazakhstan

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Proxima Research — Kazakhstan




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Proxima Research Kazakhstan and PharmMedIndustry Kazakhstan have signed a Memorandum of Cooperation


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Signing of the Memorandum of Cooperation between Proxima Research Kazakhstan and the Association of Pharmaceutical and Medical Industry Manufacturers of Kazakhstan “PharmMedIndustry Kazakhstan”.On February 11, 2025, a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between Proxima Research Kazakhstan and the Association of Pharmaceutical and Medical Industry Manufacturers of Kazakhstan “PharmMedIndustry Kazakhstan.”

Objectives of Cooperation

The Memorandum aims to facilitate the implementation of tools for a well-founded, reliable, and up-to-date analysis of the pharmaceutical market of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The document also provides for the coordination and coverage in specialized media of the interaction between government authorities and other market participants in the healthcare sector, including pharmacies, distributors, manufacturers, importers, public, and professional organizations.

Areas of Cooperation

  • Proxima Research Kazakhstan provides expert and informational support by offering data on the pharmaceutical market of the Republic of Kazakhstan based on the Market Audit, Promo Test & Rx Test projects and the Axioma database.
  • Joint events are organized for pharmaceutical market participants.
  • Interaction with other healthcare market participants is carried out in accordance with applicable legislation.

Prospects for Cooperation

The signing of this Memorandum establishes a solid foundation for the further development of Kazakhstan’s pharmaceutical market. The joint efforts of the parties will contribute to enhancing its transparency and efficiency while strengthening coordination among all industry participants.

Collaboration under this agreement will facilitate the development of analytical tools and mechanisms necessary for making strategic decisions in healthcare and pharmaceuticals.