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Innovation in business analytics: the benefits of Power BI dashboards


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Proxima Research innovates to help you get the most out of your business.


Business analytics is not just about numbers. It is a decision-making tool that changes management approaches, allows you to adapt your strategy and find new growth points.


That is why we are constantly analysing the latest technological solutions to integrate them into our product and provide our customers with modern data visualization tools. One of these steps was the introduction of PharmExplorer dashboards in Power BI. 


This solution was a response to a market demand, as a significant number of our customers already use Power BI platform in their internal business processes. Now they can receive data from the Market Audit of Ukraine directly in their analytical systems.


What do users get from using Market Audit on Power BI by Proxima Research?

  1. Integration into internal business intelligence systems

    Our data is organically integrated into the company’s overall reporting system without the need for additional interfaces. Analytics are available directly in the client’s work environment, which simplifies processes and minimises duplication.

  2. Full compatibility with Microsoft Power BI

    Users can easily share reports via PowerPoint, Teams, Excel, or use integrated analytics to collaborate within the company.

  3. Flexible visualisation options

    Data can be analysed, customised, combined with other sources, and presented in interactive reports or static images.

  4. Mobile access

    Business analytics is available anywhere and anytime – Power BI is optimised for mobile devices, allowing you to view data from smartphones or tablets in a user-friendly interface.

  5. Automatic data updates

    No need to manually upload files anymore – updates are automatic, and users always work with up-to-date information.

What customer needs does our product cover?

  • Analytics transparency and integration into business processes
    Problem: data is available in different sources, and it is difficult to get a single picture of the market.
    Solution: our data is integrated into the client’s analytical systems and allows them to work without additional interfaces and duplication of information.

  •  Efficiency and speed of data acquisition
    Problem: Delayed reporting updates prevented quick decision-making.
     Solution: Automatic updates in Power BI provide access to the most up-to-date data without manual download.

  • Flexible customisation of reports
    Problem: Basic reports do not reflect the company’s specific needs.
    Solution: Users can create customised reports, connect to the semantic core, and work with their own metrics.

  • Continuous access to analytics
    Problem: limited access to business analytics only from office devices.
    Solution: Data is available from any device thanks to the mobile version of Power BI.

  • Simplified interaction between teams
    Problem: complicated data exchange between departments.
    Solution: Integration with PowerPoint, Teams, and Excel makes it easy to share reports and work on them together.

  • Automation and time saving
    Problem: constant need for manual data updates.
    Solution: Analytics are updated automatically, allowing analysts to focus on analysis rather than technical tasks.

What does the client get as a result?

A universal analytical platform that allows you to work without unnecessary tools.
Prompt access to up-to-date data, which facilitates quick decision-making.
Flexibility and scalability that allow you to adapt analytics to specific business needs.


Our Market Audit product is not only accurate and up-to-date data, but also a predictive analytics tool that helps pharmaceutical companies make informed decisions and stay one step ahead of the competition.


Learn more from our manager. Request a call back, get a presentation.

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